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0870 Telephone Numbers
0870 Telephone Numbers
Divert to International

Gain a UK presence with Geographic Rate 0870 number (or any other Non Geo Number) even if you operate your business from overseas. We deliver 0870 calls to international landline numbers and international mobile numbers at highly competitive rates.

FREE Advanced Reports and Statistics with international diversion.

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What is Divert to International?

Diversion to International Phone Number is a standard service which allows you to change the termination number for your Non Geographic Number (0800, 0845, 01/02, 03, 0871/0844, 070).

0870 diversion simply means that 0870 xxx xxxx is diverted to (pointed at) any international land line number or international mobile number. For example 0870 644 6000 can be diverted to 00 34 91 4564567 (Spain).

Please note: For 0800, 0845, 01/02, 03, 0871/0844 Divert to International you will be charged a pence per/minute rate for all incoming calls. The pence per minute rate depends on the country of your choice.

Please contact UK2 Numbers for more information on Divert to International phone number before placing an order.

Format for entering a divert to an international number

Use the following format for entering an international number.
For Example: 00 34 91 4564567.

  • 00 is the UK exit code
  • 34 is the country code for Spain
  • 91 is the area code for Madrid
  • 4564567 is the individual land line number
How to order Divert to International service:

To order the Divert to International service for your Non-Geographic Number:

  1. Go to "My Account" section of the website
  2. Click on the "Divert to International" link from the left menu under the title "SIMPLE RE-DIVERSION"
  3. Choose the number or numbers for which you wish to order the Divert to International service
  4. Follow the on screen instructions

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