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0870 Telephone Numbers
Custom Caller ID (DDI-CLI)

If you have just one landline or mobile number to receive both business and personal calls, or you run more than one business from the same landline or mobile, Custom Caller ID service will enable you to differentiate which calls are coming through your 0870 number.

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Service Description - Custom Caller ID (DDI-CLI)

The Custom Caller ID - DDI CLI service enables your own 08xx number (DDI), when called, to be shown on a telephone call display instead of the caller's identity or number (CLI).

The system works by replacing the actual Caller ID with your own number ID.

How it Works - Custom Caller ID (DDI-CLI)

If you need your phone to be answered in a particular company name, or simply wish to differentiate between personal and business calls on a home business line, this service will enable you or an operator to identify the number being called and answer accordingly.

It is particularly useful when you use a call centre to handle your incoming telephone traffic.

How to order Custom Caller ID service:

To order the Custom Caller ID service for your Non-Geographic Number:

  1. Go to "My Account" section of the website
  2. Click on the "Custom Caller ID" link from the left menu under the title "ADVANCED ROUTING"
  3. Choose the number or numbers for which you wish to order the Custom Caller ID service
  4. Follow the on screen instructions

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